A Tribute to Ace, Our Beloved Companion

A tribute to Ace, a beloved dog
Hearty Hero of the Month
Sep. 13, 2024

In 2009, we brought home a beautiful dog from Hearty K9s. His name was Blitzen, born in 2008 to Yankee and Dayo’s litter. We renamed him Ace, and he quickly became a special member of our family.
Ace enriched our lives in so many ways. He was my shadow, my best friend, and my loyal hiking partner for over 15 years. Even at 15, Ace was still joining me on hikes, always eager for adventure. His love and companionship were constant, and we cherished every moment we spent together.

Ace passed away this May at 15 and a half years old. Though we miss him dearly, I feel truly blessed to have shared my life with him. He was one in a million, and I am grateful for the countless memories and joy he brought into our lives.

I’m happy to share these photos of Ace and hope they can bring a smile to others who understand the deep bond we shared. Thank you, Hearty K9s, for bringing Ace into our lives.

With gratitude,
