6 pups born on May 19, 2016


F1B medium and larger Goldendoodle pups from our 65 lb cream F1 Goldendoodle dam and our snuggly, moyen, apricot poodle sire.


June 16

Jam's and Swede's F1B medium/larger pups at 4 weeks old

These pups are sweet as the summer day is long!! They're growing nicely and are starting to wander outside their whelping box, to eat softened kibble, and to pee as well. The pups have a good variety of coats, colours and sizes. Little Baritone is a lot smaller than the rest but he keeps up with everyone. He acts like he was conceived later than the others (seen in his coat as well), and seems to be just a week behind the other pups -- but is slowly catching up. The veterinarian visit on June 30th will tell us more.

I do have one spot left on this wait list. Until I know how the veterinarian visit goes I will not fill the spot. These pups will be chosen starting the July long weekend and can go home after July 14th. They must be picked up before July 20th, however, due to our schedule.

If you're interested in being placed on a wait list for this litter, or any other litter (in case someone backs out), please submit your application and contact me!


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May 21

Jam's and Swede's 6 F1B goldendoodles arrive on May 19th

We at Hearty K9s, along with Jam and Swede, are very pleased to announce the arrival of 6 F1B medium/large goldendoodles, born on May 19th!! I believe the weather change/barometric pressure contributed to Jam's early delivery... the day the blessed rain started!!

Jam is so unlike most of my girls. In the morning she went for a run with the quad and her k9 friends. She was not slow and kept up very nicely. Her stomach looked like it had dropped a little, but not really enough to think she was close. She was still eating and was very calm and relaxed. The only indication I had that she may be labouring was that one corner of the carpet in her whelping box was turned up... which means she had been digging/nesting. Even then digging can go on for hours, even more than a day! She started whelping early afternoon and was finished in the early evening. The whole time, she was never panicked or stressed. No panting, just quiet and almost reflective. It was like she had taken a meditation course! lol

Jam is a very good mama and the pups are all growing nicely. The theme for this litter is 'harmony' (born the day after our high school kids music concert). There are 4 boys and 2 girls. Their names are Alto, Baritone, Bass, Tenor, Melody and Soprano. Their vet check will be on June 30th and choosing for this litter will happen after that time, likely the following week. The pups can go home after July 18th.

At this time I'm almost finished confirming with folks on my wait list as to which litter they will choose from. I'll likely not have any large-sized pups left, but should have a couple of small or small/medium pups from Montana's or JJ's litters. I won't know who these will be until our choosing days. You can find details on their litter pages (under Current Litters).

See Tomorrow's Pups as to what we have planned for fall litters.
